
Executive Committee

President: Penny McCarthy
0415 053 149

Vice President/Membership: Julie Gill
0423 653 679

Secretary/Newsletter: Mike Neil
0418 211 278

Treasurer: Carl Fitchett
0421 711 377

Ride Calendar Manager: Garry Naismith
0418 236 028

Risk Management Officer: Ian Stevenson 
0409 520 182 

Click on the members title to send an email.

Ordinary Committee

Ian Duncan

Trish Stewart

Christine Brown

Committee Meetings 

Committee meetings of the Club are held at the:
Frankston South Community Centre,
55 Towerhill Road , Frankston (Melways 102 E7)

Usually held on the third Mondays of Feb, May, Aug & Nov.
Light refreshments are available after the meeting.

All meetings commence at 7.30 p.m.

Members and visitors are welcome to attend.